Please note: The following courses are offered by the Exercise and Sport Science Department. Some exercise and sport science majors and minors require courses offered by other departments. Please refer to those areas of study for those course descriptions.

Concepts of Physical Fitness

EXS 0010 / 1 credit
This is a seven-week lecture/laboratory experience that presents basic knowledge and methods relevant to maintaining and developing good health, fitness, and overall wellness.
Prerequisite: None

Foundations of Exercise and Sport Science

EXS 1010 / 2 credits
This course examines the history, philosophy, principles, and development of exercise and sport programs. 

Instructional Methods for Individual and Group Activities

EXS 1020 / 4 credits
Through a blend of lecture, discussion, and hands-on experiences, this course is designed to build proficiency in the skills necessary to provide instruction in a variety of health, fitness, and educational settings.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: EXS 1010

Water Safety Instruction (WSI)

EXS 1072 / 1 credit
The Water Safety Instruction course trains instructor candidates to teach the fundamental Learn-to-Swim courses, including Parent and Child Aquatics, Preschool Aquatics, Learn-to-Swim Levels 1-3, 4-6, and Adult Swim. This certification is the gold standard and provides the most comprehensive training for swim instructors.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010
Offered in Fall/Spring

Introduction to Health and Wellness Education

EXS 1080 / 3 credits
This course will introduce students to health topics pertaining to the development of their physical, psychological, and social well-being. Students will learn about the major theories in health education and gain experience teaching health topics.
Offered in Fall

Lifetime Wellness and Fitness (PE) (WEL)

EXS 1110 / 2 credits
This course will engage students in examining the holistic and interrelated nature of wellness. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in lifetime physical activities to promote overall wellness and fitness over their lifespan.

The Secrets to Longevity (WEL)

EXS 2000 / 4 credits
The student will examine the factors that contribute to a long-lasted life. The Blue Zones, The 90+ Study, and other current research findings will be analyzed to discover the relationships between environmental, psychological, physical, and spiritual components that result in a long life.

Psychology of Health and Performance

EXS 2020 / 4 credits
This course provides an exploration of the Health Behavior Theories and practices necessary to guide clients toward improved health-related outcomes. Theories and practices of Sport Psychology and team dynamics will also be covered.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010

Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries

EXS 2180 / 2 credits
A course designed for students with an emphasis in physical education (K-12 licensure), sport, and fitness instruction. It provides an overview of the major injuries and athletically related health conditions.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010
Offered in Fall/Spring

Nutrition for Health and Performance

EXS 2200 / 3 credits
This course will provide students with the knowledge of how to improve their own nutrition and provide reliable, accurate guidance to others. Significant time will be spent exploring nutrition guidelines for athletic performance.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010 or ATH 1020
Offered in Fall/Spring

Consumer Health Issues (WEL)

EXS 2270 / 2 credits
Evaluation of health misinformation and quackery pertaining to health-related products and services. Examination of major health care issues from a consumer point of view, enabling the students to make intelligent decisions about how to obtain and use health-related products, services, and information.
Offered in Spring

Applied Principles of Strength Training

EXS 2300 / 3 credits
An introductory study in strength training. Emphasis will be placed on basic muscle anatomy, program design, and safe exercise technique.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010
Offered in Fall/Spring

Applied Statistics for Health and Human Services (MTH)

EXS 2330 / 4 credits
This course presents a practical approach to utilizing statistics in situations encountered in the Health and Human Services professions. Fundamental statistical theories and concepts are presented to help students understand the rationale and purpose of using statistical computations. Basic parametric statistical analyses, as well as the mathematical logic behind these calculations, will be presented. Students will learn how to perform hypothesis testing with normal distributions and also learn to interpret and critically evaluate research outcomes. This knowledge will allow students to be evidence-based practitioners and critical consumers of peer-reviewed research.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and accepted Nursing majors or declared Exercise and Sport Science or Allied Health majors.

Physical Education and Health Methods

EXS 2450 / 2 credits
This course consists of class activities, readings, and lectures designed to provide elementary teachers with the knowledge of how to incorporate movement in their classrooms. Students will examine their own health and identify reliable online resources for providing health education in the K-6 setting. Course fulfills the requirements for EXS 0010 Concepts of Physical Fitness (1 cr.) and one Lifetime/Fitness activity (1 cr.).
Offered in Fall/Spring

Comprehensive School Health Programming

EXS 2500 / 2 credits
This course is designed to teach students how to plan for and evaluate all the components of an effective school health program.
Offered in Spring

Adaptive Physical Education and Sport (DIV)

EXS 2620 / 3 credits
A study of special populations and their exercise and sport needs. Emphasis will be placed on in-depth knowledge of specific disabilities, with modifications necessary to enable the pursuit of a healthy and productive lifestyle.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010
Offered in Fall/Spring

Elementary Physical Education: Principles of Movement

EXS 2700 / 4 credits
An analysis of exercise, sport, and motor programs for young children. Emphasis will be placed on learning how to teach skills, concepts, and movement principles at an age-appropriate level.
Prerequisite: EXS 1020

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Education

EXS 2810 / 2 credits
This course provides an overview of substance use and abuse among adolescents. The course will focus on understanding how to teach this topic as part of a comprehensive school health education curriculum.
Offered in Fall/Spring

Tests and Measurement in Exercise and Sport Science (SE) (QR)

EXS 3010 / 4 credits
A practical approach to measurement and evaluation of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains as they apply to the field of health, fitness, and performance. The students will be introduced to basic statistical principles and practice conducting and writing a simple research study.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010 and sophomore standing
Offered in Fall/Spring

Theory and Practice of Coaching

EXS 3020 / 4 credits
This course is designed to broaden students’ perspective in the areas of teaching, coaching, and structuring athletic teams. Emphasis will be placed on coaching theory and development of coaching philosophy.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010 and junior standing
Offered in J-Term

Sport and Recreation Management

EXS 3030 / 4 credits
Principles of efficient management and leadership concepts as applicable to the sport and recreation industry. Focuses on principles and techniques of management relating to programs, facilities, special events, and personnel. Includes key personnel issues in sport management situations; ethics, law, and governance in sports administration; and the role of the marketing process in sport administration and budgeting.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010
Offered in Fall/Spring

Applied Exercise Anatomy and Biomechanics

EXS 3070 / 4 credits
A review of musculoskeletal anatomy and an in-depth study of biomechanics and its application to sport.
Prerequisite: BIO 1040 or BIO 2010
Offered in Fall/Spring

Physiology of Exercise

EXS 3080 / 4 credits
This course is designed to provide the students with an introduction to the discipline of exercise and sport physiology, which is concerned with the study of how the body adapts physiologically to the acute stress of exercise, or physical activity, and the chronic stress of physical training. Emphasis will be placed on neuromuscular adaptation to strength training and cardiorespiratory adaptations to endurance training. This course will also address the importance of exercise in delaying or preventing metabolic syndrome.
Prerequisite: BIO 1040 or BIO 2010

Sexuality Education

EXS 3090 / 2 credits
This course will emphasize diversity in sexual feeling, behavior, cultural traditions, and moral beliefs related to sex, with an emphasis on the physiology of sex and helping students become comfortable in discussing and teaching sexuality to adolescents.
Offered in Fall

Community and Public Health

EXS 3110 / 4 credits
An introduction to the field of community health with an exploration of the interplay between individual health-promoting behaviors and the greater impact of the physical, social, and political environment.
Offered in Spring

Issues in Emotional and Mental Health

EXS 3120 / 2 credits
Development of insights into emotional wellness and understanding the body, mind, and spirit connection. Students will be expected to develop strategies to effectively teach the principles and skills learned in this class.
Offered in Fall/Spring

Advanced Techniques in Training and Conditioning

EXS 3210 / 4 credits
An in-depth study of the principles, concepts, and guidelines of strength training, conditioning, and personal fitness. Special emphasis will be placed on designing strength and conditioning programs and preparing students for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) exams.
Prerequisite: EXS 3070
Offered in J-Term

Adapted Physical Education and Sport (DIV)

EXS 3510 / 4 credits
A study of special populations and their exercise and sport needs. Emphasis will be placed on in-depth knowledge of specific disabilities, with modifications necessary to enable the pursuit of a healthy and productive lifestyle.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010
Offered in Fall/Spring

Field Placement in Specially Designed Physical Education

EXS 3520 / 4 credits
An off-campus practical experience for students to work with special populations in a physical education setting. (Pass/Fail)
Prerequisites: EXS 3510, EDU 1010, 2010, 2050, and 3520, EXS 4200, and PYC 2850

Strength and Conditioning Practicum

EXS 3530 / 2 credits
The goal of the course is to allow the student to apply the principles and concepts learned in Advanced Techniques in Training and Conditioning by designing and implementing strength, conditioning, and fitness programs to various populations.
Prerequisite: EXS 3210

General Medical Conditions for the Athletic Trainer

EXS 3720 / 3 credits
This course is designed to introduce the athletic training student to general medical conditions they may be exposed to when working with physically active individuals. It is imperative that the entry-level athletic trainer recognize and manage these conditions for the successful treatment of those under their care. These conditions range from recognizing simple infections to systemic disorders.
Prerequisites: AHS 1020 and AHS 2080

Theory and Practice of Coaching

EXS 4020 / 4 credits
This course is designed to broaden students’ perspective in the areas of teaching, coaching, and structuring athletic teams. Emphasis will be placed on coaching theory and development of coaching philosophy.
Prerequisites: EXS 1010 and junior standing

Exercise Prescription

EXS 4040 / 4 credits
A practical approach to prescribing appropriate exercise modalities to multiple populations including athletic, healthy, and special populations. Students will build on concepts learned to core courses and review current literature in order to create training programs that meet client goals. Through a variety of case studies, students will develop training programs/treatments that will help individuals maximize performance and prevent/reduce disease. Students will create programs for increasing muscular strength as well as increasing cardiovascular endurance.
Prerequisites: EXS 3080

Fitness Education

EXS 4060 / 4 credits
Fitness education is an integral part of the total physical education program, focusing on helping students acquire the knowledge and habits that contribute to health and wellness (SHAPE America). Students will explore each of the components of the Fitness Education Framework from SHAPE America: technique, knowledge, physical activity, health-related fitness, responsible personal and social behaviors, values and advocates, nutrition, and consumerism.
Prerequisite: EXS 1010

Assessment for Physical Education

EXS 4080 / 4 credits
This course will prepare students with the skills needed to design and administer assessments in each of the learning domains. Students will learn how to perform data analysis to inform instructional decisions in physical education.
Prerequisite: EXS 2700

Methods and Materials of Teaching Physical Education

EXS 4200 / 4 credits
A course required of students pursuing the emphasis in physical education K-12 licensure. Emphasizes teaching methods and instructional materials in physical education.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and junior standing
Offered in Spring

Methods and Materials of Teaching Health Education

EXS 4210 / 4 credits
Students will learn strategies and techniques for teaching health at an age-appropriate level.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program or permission of the department chair
Offered in Fall

Field Placement in Exercise and Sport Science

EXS 4900 / 4 credits
An off-campus practical experience for Exercise and Sport Science majors who are not seeking physical education licensure. The student will complete a 100-hour internship in a recreation, sport, clinical, or fitness environment to observe, teach, and manage under a qualified professional in the field. The student will also complete a 30-page Senior Thesis research project.
Prerequisite: EXS 3010 or EXS 2330
Offered in Fall/Spring